Natasha’s interests in the interaction between gender, socioeconomic status, environment, and politics underpinned her research with the CGRF.
Natasha attended the University of Winnipeg to obtain her undergraduate degree, majoring in international development and politics. As part of her program, she spent three months in Lviv, Ukraine, working with women’s aid organization Women’s Perspectives on issues of domestic violence and sex trafficking in former Soviet states. During that time she also did a short stint with the Resource and Analysis Centre – Society and Environment, a Lviv-based environmental non-profit, researching European Union environmental legislation. Upon completion of her degree she undertook a year-long internship at the Manitoba Legislative Assembly as an intern with the government caucus, a position that led to other opportunities to work as support staff to elected members and remain politically active.
Natasha’s CGRF thesis project grew from an elder’s request from the 2010 Common Ground Research Forum Partners’ Meeting: to explore the role of Anishinaabe women as keepers and carriers of water, and to assist women elders to share their teachings, lessons, and guidance about water and water management.
Her research looked at women’s connections to water, knowledge and concerns about water, and challenges related to Aboriginal women’s participation in water governance and management.
Following her tenure with the CGRF, Natasha completed a law degree at the University of Ottawa, and she is now a practicing lawyer at Boudreau Law in Winnipeg.
Here, you can read Natasha’s thesis, Keepers of the Water: Exploring Anishinaabe women’s knowledge of water and participation in water governance.
Natasha Szach: Keepers of the Water from Teika Newton on Vimeo.