The research partners devised a governance structure with a consensus-based Executive Committee responsible for administrative duties, approving and overseeing research projects, and granting community funding awards.
The Executive Committee included representatives from each of the RPCGCO’s constituent communities, from other organizations in the community who were collaborators in community research projects, and from students and research associates. This governance structure allowed input from all partners, and community members were able to both propose projects of interest – either for student research or to be undertaken themselves – and to vet student and other academic research proposals. Students were required to partner with community members and groups to ensure reciprocity, respect and utility in research design, study methods, and communication of results.
The Executive Committee held quarterly business meetings where they would review current projects, approve new projects, and set goals and directions for the next quarter’s activities. There were two working subcommittees that met as required. The approvals and process subcommittee, which received new project proposals from community members, provided a first review, and requested changes if necessary, before passing the proposal on to the Executive level for approval or rejection, as appropriate. The communications subcommittee was responsible for overseeing communications and enacting the CGRF communications plan. The communications subcommittee was responsible for producing quarterly newsletters, the website, press releases, public meetings, and events for students and researchers to share the results of their work.